Maternal Matter

David M. Thomas

9 - 10 October 2020

1. Your new-found love of wool and weaving is pretty exciting. There's so much to look at but also through. Like your collages there seems to be this reliance on outlines and block colouring, a phasing out of detail. These gaps and hollows between the strings and shapes make me think of guitar strings but also zooming in on clothing, couches and old school speakers, probably because you’ve also worked directly onto old school speakers and play the guitar. Is this ‘floating’ and heightened permeability of your weaving for this show a response to the room divider? Or are there other motivations at play?

Erika Scott, Interview excerpt, Aug 2020

View the catalogue here

Full transcription of interview between David M. Thomas and Erica Scott can be found here

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Resonant Form, (∑√) for CG 2020 wool, wood, printed paper and acrylic paint

Resonant Form, (∑√) for CG 2020 wool, wood, printed paper and acrylic paint

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The Wolverines for HM 2020 wood, glass and printed paper

The Wolverines for HM 2020 wood, glass and printed paper

The Wolverines for HM 2020 wood, glass and printed paper

The Wolverines for HM 2020 wood, glass and printed paper

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SNOW DOME for BF (Weekend Immendorff Multiple 1-6) 2020 snow dome with collage and digital archive

SNOW DOME for BF (Weekend Immendorff Multiple 1-6) 2020 snow dome with collage and digital archive

Thought, Form, Matter for SP 2020 wool and steel frame

Thought, Form, Matter for SP 2020 wool and steel frame

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Resonant Form, (∑√) for ∑√ 2020 wool and wood

Resonant Form, (∑√) for ∑√ 2020 wool and wood

Maternal Matter, (Mama’s Boy) for JT 2020 wool and wood

Maternal Matter, (Mama’s Boy) for JT 2020 wool and wood

Classic Talk Back 2020 found vase and transistor radio

Classic Talk Back 2020 found vase and transistor radio

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